New Years resolutions never really work for me. I always say i'm going on a diet and then give up. This year I have decided to go down a different road. Instead of going on a diet I have decided to simply e n j o y m y l i f e.
There are so many things I have in my life right now to be thankful for, but the past year I have focused too much on the negative things.
This year will be different for me.
Every time I find myself feeling overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated, or down I'm going to take a moment to breathe deep, take in whats around me and all the wonderful things I have to be thankful for in my life.
No more selfishness, hostility, anger, or jealousy.
I might be a week late and while most people have already wasted the gym membership they bought...
I'm going to
e n j o y m y l i f e. ♥
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